Sujan Bhusal
Digital Marketing Specialist
Sujan builds cross platform digital marketing strategies, like a spider does a web: trapping his prey with the greatest of skill. Armed with a double Bachelors degree and strong analytical skills, Sujan’s greatest passion is to incite a positive growth in numbers. Thankfully he can break down graphs into palatable information, much to the relief of the left-brained creatives around him. a
Maddie Ramsey
Maddie Ramsey
Production Coordinator
Maddie aims to be a bit of an every-woman. Having studied film, writing and journalism and having worked on set as a continuity editor and assistant director, she’s got plenty of experience on set and at the desk. If you see her squinting, gently remind her that her glasses are on her head.
Cormac Bryne
Cormac Bryne
Business Manager
With a background in corporate accounting, Cormac has held numerous CFO and Company Secretary roles for a range of corporate and publicly listed clients. Most recently he worked for the Commonweath Bank in their Corporate and Business Banking Division as a portfolio manager. Cormac’s secret power is knowing all the who’s who in Adelaide.
Oliver Davis
Oliver Davis
Oliver doesn’t drink coffee, but does consume unhealthy amounts of footage.
Originally from the UK he now lives in beautiful Adelaide, doing what he loves best and spending time with a great group of creatives.
He relinks media in his sleep and when he is not behind a computer editing you’ll be sure to find him behind a camera shooting.
Damian Smerdon
Damian Smerdon
Senior Editor
With too many years’ experience in the edit suite, Damian has mastered the art of telling stories in a powerful and emotive way.
Aaron White
Aaron White
Originally from Adelaide, Aaron has lived and worked all over the world. As our Lead Animator, he manages all manner of 2D, 3D and visual effects work. If he’s not doing that, he’s probably complaining about the weather in Canada.
Mark Cowley
Mark Cowley
Mark sees the world through the lens of his camera. He’s been on board with redbikini as a Cinematographer for a long time, and can show any subject in the best light. His biggest crime was wearing an English rugby jersey while having his Australian passport photo taken.
Shane McNeil
Shane McNeil
Former ad man, Shane is the guy with the vision. His role as Director suits him well because he gets to boss everyone around (in a nice way). Possessing aspiration in abundance, watch out for this name on the credit roll of the next blockbuster.
Sonia Sheppard
Sonia Sheppard
Human Resources
With formidable HR skills, Sonia is a one-woman army. She oversees redbikini’s human resources and ongoing strategic development. She is an excellent judge of character, though it leaves us wondering why we ended up with the team that we did.
Danielle Tinker
Danielle Tinker
General Manager/Producer
Danielle is an award winning filmmaker and video content creator. As General Manager of redbikini, her understanding of all departments means she is across the various workflows and is the go-to person for staff and crew. Now a mother, you may see Danielle multi-tasking even further with her daughter in one arm and a laptop in another.